
ITX Cargo srl provides shipping services of many types of goods to domestic and international destinations. The services are carried out in a way that reflects the company’s commitment to conduct its business in full compliance with applicable laws, guided by fairness and honesty. This is the behavior that our customers expect from us. This document sets out certain values and principles that our company is committed to respect in all the countries where we operate. The Policy and Ethical Code establishes some minimum standards not negotiable that we intend to respect and follow in the conduct of our business.

Company’s fairness

Non-discrimination principle
ITX Cargo does not apply discriminatory practices in recruitment and employment based on criteria such as race, color, religion, sex, age, physical ability, nationality or sexual orientation.
Freedom of association and collective bargaining
ITX Cargo does not apply discriminatory practices in recruitment and employment based on criteria such as race, color, religion, sex, age, physical ability, nationality or sexual orientation.
Integrity of behavior
ITX Cargo is inspired by the principles of Social Responsibility to protect its customers, suppliers, and third parties, and for this reason it ensures maximum effort to guarantee the quality of its services and the transparency of its behavior on the market. These behaviors reject and refuse the use of instruments contrary to the ethics of business, such as corruptive acts, bribery, artifact creation of conflicts of interest, fraud, money-laundering, anti-competitive activities.


ITX Cargo sustains and encourages all operative practices, energy saving choices and reducing consume of fossil fuels where applicable and sustainable.

Working rules

Work done by prisoners and forced labor
ITX Cargo declares that under no circumstances use or otherwise situations exploits forced or compulsory labor.
Similarly, work performance required under any form of indentured servitude is prohibited, as well as it is forbidden the use of physical punishment, confinement, threats of violence or other forms of harassment or abuse as a method of discipline or control .
ITX Cargo does not collaborate with providers that leverage the work done by unpaid or bounded workers, nor stipulates any contract with subcontractors that engage in such practices and use these facilities.
Only the services of workers who are following an official program of prison rehabilitation constitute a form of work that is not considered a violation of the Code.
Child and minor labor
The use of child labor by the company and all the relevant third parties is strictly prohibited. Child labor refers to those activities that are mentally, physically, socially and morally dangerous or harmful for children, or that interfere with their school activity.
Working time
ITX Cargo ensures that employees work in compliance with the laws and mandatory industry standards and regulations regarding the number of worked hours and days.
Employees of ITX Cargo earn wages and benefits that comply with applicable laws and binding collective agreements, including those relating to working extra-hours and other agreements relating to bonus.
Training – Competence – Awareness
ITX Cargo guarantees to all staff the necessary training to carry out the assigned tasks. Workers’ safety and security are given particular relevance in training. In this context ITX Cargo promotes behaviors compliant with the principles of safety based on behavior (BBS), verifying their effective application.
ITX Cargo pursues a policy consistent with the laws that prohibit discrimination in hiring and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, physical abilities, national origin, or other parameters prohibited by law.

Health and safety

Work environment
ITX Cargo guarantees to the employees a safe and healthy working environment and, where provided, safe housing conditions. Are guaranteed: drinking water, adequate sanitation, fire exits and safety devices, emergency medical care, workstations adequately lit and equipped. In addition, facilities are constructed and maintained according to the standards set by the codes and regulations in force.
Quality and safety of services
All services offered by ITX Cargo meet the standards of quality and safety required by law. The procedures of service quality are consistent with the principles expressed in the UNI EN ISO 9001 regulation, which we apply and recognizes as standard operating reference. The company has obtained the certification of compliance with this rule, issued by an internationally accredited institute.


ITX Cargo operates in full respect of the environment and ensures compliance with all environmental laws and regulations in force in all countries where products and services are performed.

Policy regarding use of alcohol and drugs

Employees and contractors who perform delivery and transport services on behalf of ITX CARGO srl must operate in physical and mental conditions suitable to do the job in the best conditions. These conditions include:

  • absolute prohibition, both while working and during the break for the meal, to assume alcohol and/or drugs
  • prohibition to show up at work under influence of alcohol or under influence of drugs
  • responsibility, by any employee or external collaborator with which the company works, to report any misuse of drugs or alcohol.

The employee caught in red-handed with these acts is liable to disciplinary measures under the contract of work and will be asked to leave the workplace immediately, pending further decisions of the Direction.
The contractors and service providers that will result not complying with this principle will be excluded from the list of our business partners.

Internal audit

The Direction of ITX Cargo reserves the right to verify the compliance with the contents of this code by employees, partners and suppliers. Should be detected any action or condition not in compliance with this Code, ITX Cargo has the right/duty to seek remedies. In addition, ITX Cargo reserves the right to terminate a contract with any interested party not complying with this Policy and Ethical Code.
President of Administration Board of ITX CARGO s.r.l.